We have online enrollment available for your convenience.
We have online enrollment available for your convenience.
- Online at
- We offer open enrollment all year..
- You can start recreational classes at anytime.
- If you can not start immedatly and register you will need to pay to hold your spot or wait until the week before you are ready to start your class. We can not hold a spot for class unless you are paying to hold it. Spots are availble first come first serve and availbiliy changes daily.
- Prices are per class per month.
- Each page will have the pricing for each class.
- Once you create an account you will also see the price listed with each class.
- Yes ! You start as soon as you complete your registration and make your payment.
- We will pro rate your class based on what day the portal asigns your first day of class.
- You are required to pay in full upon enrollment into any class or program.
- When enrolling online the card/ACH on file will be charged on the day that your enroll to hold your spot.